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Our Services

Gap Analysis and Benchmarking

Gap analysis and benchmarking

It is always useful to understand how we are performing among our industry peers and against the sustainability best practices. The results of a comprehensive analysis will demonstrate the contextual competitive positioning of a company. These will include flagged gaps in the client’s competitive positioning across the various sustainability issues, represented by the underlying GRI Aspects and Indicators.

The results are compiled and summarised for use by the management in making strategic decisions on sustainability initiatives and reporting. This benchmarking process will also raise awareness and lead to discussion and innovation that can result in unexpected additional benefits for the company.

Our Vision

vision - A sustainable Malaysia A sustainable Malaysia
We envisage a world in which government, businesses and civil society work together seamlessly towards a sustainable future.

Vision - Ace personalised serviceAce personalised service
To disclose all sustainability initiatives in the most positive, honest and meaningful manner.

Our Mission

To provide our clients with superior bespoke sustainability services that:

  • Improve their corporate reputations
  • Meet the expectations of all stakeholders
  • Improve access to capital and other funding
  • Improve operational efficiency and help reduce wastage

Our Location


We are headquartered in Kuala Lumpur to serve our clients effectively. However, we cover the entire of Malaysia and overseas as and when required.