The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is an international independent organisation that helps businesses, governments and other organisations understand and communicate the impact of business on critical sustainability issues such as climate change, human rights and corruption.
GRI launched the first global standards for sustainability reporting in October 2016. The GRI Standards provide a framework for organisations to publically disclose their economic, environmental and social impacts and demonstrate how they contribute to sustainable development. The GRI Standards are also a trusted reference for policy makers and regulators. They have a modular structure so they can be kept up-to-date and relevant.
Ace CSR recommends the GRI Framework to many of its clients as these guidelines are often considered an industry standard. Companies following this standard will easily meet Bursa Malaysia’s sustainability listing requirements.
Preparing a report in accordance with the GRI Standards will provide your stakeholders with an inclusive picture of your material topics, their related impacts, and how they are managed.